Browne Ink Studio

Long Live Books

 Imagine a world without books ....

Written by Janine Browne — May 15, 2013

Army of Ink - Lost Her Key

Some days she felt like a wind-up toy that had lost its key .

Written by Janine Browne — September 14, 2015

Wisdoms of Rose - Ditching Beauty

Rose wasn't cursed with good looks.

Rose is free from any expectation to be abnormally beautiful 24/7, which leaves her undefinable by looks alone - and alone she is.  Consequently, Rose rarely receives invitations of the social kind but isn't bothered by being omitted in this way.  In fact, it affords her three good things.  One, more time to herself.  Two, being left alone to be herself.  And three, to live within the containment of her own tangible world. 

With such a high level of self acceptance, Rose manages to by-pass all standard dress codes and cosmetic alterations of the conforming and horribly constricting kind - and mirrors.  Long Live Rose.

Find Rose in her own pocket book, 'Wisdoms of Rose' and 'Clunk & Jam' second edition book.  (See Stockists )

Written by Janine Browne — April 11, 2015

Robin Small



Held tight by a constant hesitation, in the present time, Robin Small's world remained unchanged - as did he.

Footnote:   This Robin seems a quietly brave lad who, like us all, has undisclosed doubts and fears, but has a quiet determination to make his way through these.  To explore and make his own discoveries – about himself, about the world around him which he feels such great apprehension about.   He also seems somewhat comfortable in his own vulnerability – perhaps why he’s armed with bow but not with arrow?  He's a carrier of a gentle strength.  

(Robin Small series in Clunk & Jam book, second edition.)


Written by Janine Browne — April 11, 2015

Army of Ink - Off With Damsel

She's no damsel in distress - in her upside down clown dress.

Having tried on so many ways of being herself, she finally reached the exhausting conclusion that maybe all the things she was trying on were just way too big for her.  And maybe she’d just have to tailor make her own little world where she could be her entirely unique, odd and small, good self.  

Find her in 'Clunk & Jam' book (second edition).

Written by Janine Browne — June 09, 2014

Army of Ink - She Arrived With a Carpet Bag and a Dream

She arrived with a carpet bag and a dream ...

... if she couldn't save the world, maybe she could simply share what helped her rescue herself.  Which might help others fight their own battles - and she to concentrate on her own.

Find her in 'Clunk & Jam' book, second edition.


Written by Janine Browne — November 17, 2014

Army of Ink - 'No!' To Dumbing Down

She dismissed the damsel in distress and became the authority on herself.

This trooper salutes a time in one's own development when, be it for only moments or short bursts of time, we are the authority on our 'self'.  She also had any dull idea of becoming a star, well and truly covered.

IN CONCLUSION:  A sturdy resistance to being dumbed down, could well be her greatest achievement.

Find her in 'Clunk & Jam' 2nd edition book.


Written by Janine Browne — June 09, 2014

Army Of Ink - Wings on Feet

Imagine having wings on your feet….You’d be able to see exactly what was coming.  Never be trodden on again.  And always have a safe place to drift off to.

This trooper has a Mary Poppins look about her and Mary's known for her Super Hero qualities and sometimes imagining we have super powers or a super power watching over us can get us through a tough spot (spit, spot).  Wings on feet? Very Astro Boyish.  Maybe it leaves her hands free?  To do what?  Take the world off her shoulders perhaps?  But there's no world in the drawing?  Maybe others can't see how much the weight of the world affects her - she just feels it.  Or could it be a muscle man (woman) pose?  Flexing her muscles and being strong?  Or it could be a shrug - 'I don't know, don't ask me? I'm no Super Hero.'  Or a 'look at me - no hands!'  And with wings on her feet she's forever safe from falling - being hurt ever again.

 Up, up and away is such a comforting thought when things get tough.  Pass her to urge others to take flight....

Written by Janine Browne — June 09, 2014

Smooth Sailing

Find in 'Clunk & Jam' book.

Written by Janine Browne — February 03, 2014

Army of Ink - A Comforting Cup

I wish upon myself....that one day, I'll be as comfortable in me, as she in her tub.
Pop this in your cup.....once the soul has left its pot, its own cup it must fill.  One teaspoon or two?  Entirely up to you.  But do we must, fill our cups, with pinkies pointing up.  And rise we do in fluff and blue, and endless possibility too.
Find in 'Clunk & Jam' book. 

Written by Janine Browne — February 03, 2014